A Quantum Leap in Computing Scale by Minimizing Error Impact in Quantum Architecture

Fujitsu and the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology at Osaka University announced the joint development of two technologies to accelerate practical quantum computing. Once phase angle accuracy is improved during phase rotation, the second automatically generates efficient qubit operation procedures. In the second case, the technology shows that a quantum computer can theoretically perform a calculation that would take a classical computer five years in just ten hours. The calculation would use only 60,000 qubits, significantly less than the amount typically thought to be required for fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) to surpass the speed of classical computers.

The first technology developed by the partnership enhances phase angle accuracy during phase rotation, a critical component in quantum operations. The second innovation involves automatically generating efficient qubit operation procedures, a crucial step toward optimizing quantum computing performance. Together, these technologies demonstrate that a quantum computer could theoretically perform a complex calculation that would take a classical computer five years in just ten hours, using only 60,000 qubits. This is a deficient number compared to the qubit counts previously thought necessary for fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) to surpass classical computing speeds.

This achievement suggests that quantum advantage—the point at which quantum computers can solve problems faster than the best classical computers—may be closer than anticipated. Fujitsu and Osaka University’s work represents one of the first clear demonstrations of quantum advantage in what is expected to be the early FTQC era, potentially arriving by 2030.

The development of efficient qubit operation procedures was made possible by a newly developed quantum circuit generator. This system streamlines the process of converting logic gates, which are the basic operations in quantum computing, into physical gates that directly manipulate qubits. Additionally, the system incorporates acceleration technology that reduces computing time by dynamically adjusting qubit operations.

The significance of this breakthrough extends beyond the theoretical. These innovations could revolutionize fields such as material development, drug discovery, and high-temperature superconductivity by enabling more extensive analysis and faster computational capabilities. For example, the ability to analyze the Hubbard model for developing high-temperature superconductors could lead to more efficient electrical infrastructure and other technological advancements.

Fujitsu and Osaka University initially introduced the concept of their quantum computing architecture in March 2023. However, challenges such as insufficient phase rotation accuracy and the lack of a suitable physical gating procedure for specific computational problems have hindered practical applications. The newly developed technologies directly address these obstacles, paving the way for the realization of practical quantum computing.

Through ongoing collaboration, Fujitsu and QIQB aim to continue pushing the boundaries of quantum computing, contributing to solving societal challenges such as decarbonization and reducing the costs associated with new material development. Their joint efforts signal a significant leap forward in the race to achieve practical, real-world quantum computing applications.

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