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AmberSemi Intros a New Standard in Power Management and Sensing
At APEC 2023, Amber Semi will demonstrate a new standard in power management and sensing in prototype applications,…
Scale Up Automation with the new Arduino Opta microPLC
Date: April 12, 2023 @10:00 AM CST / 5 PM CET
Designed in partnership with Finder, a leading…
Off the Belt: Implementing an API is Easy (No, Really)
As a purchasing pro, grappling with thought-provoking challenges and getting in on company strategy is what you do.…
CES 2023 – What to See
If you’re going to CES 2023 in Las Vegas on Jan. 5-8 (and why wouldn’t you?), there's a theme this time—How…
Making the Next Generation of Designers
by Jon Gabay, engineer
Each generation of engineers brings new technologies to the table... and forgets many of…
Signal Chain vs. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
When it comes to automation, there are two main choices: signal chains and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).…
Sustainability for Smart Devices and Buildings
In Europe, the increasing energy prices and goals to reduce the CO2 footprint of buildings to become climate…
What Is A Supercapacitor, And How Is It Different From Other Capacitors?
A supercapacitor is a type of capacitor that has some significant advantages over other types of capacitors. This…
What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)
What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)? As this technology becomes more popular, many people are questioning…
Explaining Predictive Maintenance
If you manage a fleet of vehicles, industrial machines, or warehouse robots, you're probably always looking for…