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Tiny Bubbles, in a Line. Liquid Metal Wiring for Flexible Electronics
Please forgive my butchered use of Don Ho's classic; it is remarkably apt for this new research out of Japan.…
Orca OS2000 Transceiver for Bi-directional Communications Between Sensors,…
Orca Semiconductor’s new OS2000 IO-Link communications transceiver improves Industry 4.0 intelligence. Enabling…
Can Wood Make Data Centers Sustainable? Microsoft Thinks So
Microsoft is testing a new way to reduce carbon emissions by building data centers with wood instead of the usual…
What Happened to the Robots at FedEx?
At its Memphis World Hub, FedEx upgraded a new automated sorting facility where, within its 1.3 million square…
Thermoelectric Coolers: Efficient, Compact Cooling for High Performance…
Thermoelectric coolers (TECs) provide a compact, efficient alternative to traditional cooling systems like…
Watch | Brainless Bots Solve Mazes
In 2013, a Carnegie Mellon University team called "Epiphany" released a small game on the Ouya, an Android-based…
UCLA Shatters a 100-Year-Old Rule
Bredt's rule was first reported in textbooks in 1924: double bonds cannot exist at certain positions on organic…
MIT Algorithm Identifies Influencing Variables in Complex Systems—Access It Here
Dealing with variables is no small feat, especially in complex systems where many variables converge. MIT engineers…
Watch | The Future of Autonomous Vehicles Explained
The Future of Autonomous Vehicles: How Self-Driving Cars Will Change Our World
In this video, Bryan DeLuca dives…
Russia Fines Google $20 Billion Trillion Trillion
After refusing to pay fines for blocking pro-Russian YouTube channels, Google owes Russia 2 undecillion rubles.…