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Solid State Battery To Revolutionize Electric Vehicles By 2020
Toyota is in the production engineering stage of building a battery with a solid electrolyte that would allow it to…
A New Pathway That Leads To Cheaper Chips
Engineers can cut size and power in half by stripping away the unused logic gates from general-purpose…
The Moon Is Holding A Little More Water Weight Than We Thought
Until 2008 we believed the Moon was completely dry, now it has discovered further that there is even more water on…
The Evolution Of Our Trusted Elevators
Back in 1857 the first successful and safe elevator was designed, and since then designers and architects have…
New App Can Help Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease
A platform has been developed which allows users to build customized disease-management and care plans on an app,…
One Lightweight Motor Drive… One Giant Leap To Space
In 2018 ESA is sending a Solar Orbiter into space which will be equipped with a thick heat shield, and motors and…
Robots Read Emotions Through Body-Tracking Software
Researchers have developed a robot which can track a level of emotion allowing it to read a person's body language…
Electrifying Plans In Store For Montreal
Increasing the electrification of its transport infrastructure, Montreal has set out strategic goals to make the…
NASA Finds Martian Moon Orbiting The Red Planet
As the Hubble Space Telescope observed Mars, a sneaky companion photobombed the picture - Phobos, the Greek…
Get Started With These Six Starter Development Kits
Six starter development kits from 2017 to get your projects underway; out of your imagination and into production.