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Stay up-to-date on the latest technology and engineering news and spark your imagination with the most recent designs and DIY projects.
GyroDrive: A mini helicopter you can drive
Czech pilot Pavel Brezina is trying a different tack: he has made a 'GyroDrive'—a mini helicopter you can drive.
2017 to see Apple screen repair machines
Apple will put its proprietary screen repair machines in hundreds of third-party locations by the end of 2017.
Natural disaster drones hover for five days
MIT engineers have come up with a much less expensive UAV design that can hover for longer durations for natural…
MIT give robots greater sensitivity and dexterity
By mounting GelSight sensors on the grippers of robotic arms, two MIT teams have given robots greater sensitivity…
Don’t you wish your planet was hot like Jupiter?
Astronomers have found the planet KELT-9b, a Jupiter-like world which is the hottest gas planet that has ever been…
Find your veins easily with HD imaging
Trying to find a vein during a blood test can be one of the worst things, but now with the VeinViewer, HD imaging…
Smartphone compass can prevent voice hacking
An app is being developed and will soon be available to help prevent the growing cyber security threat, and in…
What about the other iOS 11 features Apple?
Taking a look at the nine best features of iOS 11 that Apple did not mention at the keynote event of it's Worldwide…
The future of the smartphone is right in front of your eyes
The new UNO smart glasses allow you to view messages, maps and much more on the lens of your glasses whilst your…
Let this pebble protect your smart home devices
You can now protect your smart home devices from cyber threats with the Dojo which is a pebble-like device which…