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Inhaler patients need to puff harder
Using a metered-dose inhaler is pretty common in the US, with tens of millions of Americans using one every day.…
Synchronized by social media
Whether it is commercial or social – human activity contains patterns and moments of synchronicity. With social…
Cars of the future or ‘mobile phones on wheels’?
It started off with cars driving themselves, now features of the ever so desired ‘car of the future’ will include…
This galaxy is living life on the edge
Throughout the Universe spiral galaxies take on all manner of orientations with respect to Earth.
There are some…
Hello, are there any aliens out there?
Far-away planet systems are shaped like the solar system, with multiple planets aligning with the host star on a…
Advancement in oil and gas industries energy savings
An important catalytic reaction commonly used in the oil and gas industries has recently been improved by a…
Potential to dramatically change the carbon economy
To combat climate change most strategies concentrate on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by substituting…
Try keeping the AirDog on a leash
Do you ever get a feeling that someone is following you? You will get that feeling a lot if you invest in the…
‘Dust traps’ are missing link in planet formation
It has been a constant difficulty for astronomers to assemble a complete theory of the origin of planets, as they…
Virtually falling head over heels
Today’s generation is so connected, but not necessarily in a good way. The vast majority of us are constantly…