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Daisy-chain-like molecular structures mimic muscle behavior
Interlocking daisy-chain-like molecular structures that can switch from an expanded and contracted position based…
Nearby star Proxima Centauri has regular starspots
In August astronomers announced that the nearby star Proxima Centauri hosts an Earth-sized planet (called Proxima…
AI computer is self-learning: The end of Moore’s law?
A neuro-inspired analog computer that has the ability to train itself to become better at whatever tasks it…
Supercapacitor uses no conductive carbon
Energy storage devices called supercapacitors have become a hot area of research, in part because they can be…
Staring into the void: Spiral galaxy mystery in The Whale
This Hubble image shows the central region of a spiral galaxy known as NGC 247. NGC 247 is a relatively small…
Blood runs thicker than water, but how strong is it?
Bleeding disorders could one day be diagnosed by putting platelets through strength tests, researchers have…
Organ regeneration successful in monkeys
Stem cells grown from a single monkey's skin cells revitalized the damaged hearts of five sick macaques, in a…
“Space brain” effect of galactic cosmic rays
Will astronauts traveling to Mars remember much of it? That's the question concerning University of California,…
NIST test bed sews the ‘digital thread’
A Smart Manufacturing Systems (SMS) Test Bed has been launched by the researchers at the U.S. Commerce Department's…
A “one-punch” universal flu vaccine
Researchers at McMaster University and two American universities have taken another step closer to developing a…