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Molecular luminescence gets the green light
Glow-in-the-dark stickers, weird deep-sea fish, LED lightbulbs — all have forms of luminescence. In other words,…
Move over Mars, potential life on Jupiter’s moon Europa
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have imaged what may be water vapor plumes erupting off the…
Exposure Therapy Enhanced: Time To Face Your Fears
People who are too frightened of flying to board an airplane, or too scared of spiders to venture into the…
Scientists turn to drones to save drowning people
Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), along with the Munich University of Applied Sciences and…
Snapchat releases sunglasses with integrated video camera
Not only did Snapchat change the name of its company to Snap over the weekend, but it also revealed its first…
The wheels on the bus go round and round, with a detection system
Volvo Buses is taking steps to reduce the 1.25 million annual road traffic deaths by unveiling a pedestrian and…
Tardis memory chips: They’re bigger on the inside…
A year ago, a fundamentally new way of managing memory on computer chips, one that would use circuit space much…
System to screen childhood communication disorders
Early-childhood intervention can make a great difference for children with speech and language disorders, in their…
Video Of The Day: Guy Creates Water-Cooled 72,000-Lumen LED Flashlight
Samm Shepard, a college senior studying aviation technology says he likes to do "fun things" and then sometimes…
Handheld device changes shape to help sighted and blind navigate better
An engineer from Yale University has created a shape-shifting navigation device for both the sighted and visually…