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What’s New In 3D Printing?
As additive manufacturing, better known as 3D printing, has finally reached its growth phase, 20 years in the…
For $300 You Can Get Your Own Robot Arm That Sees, Thinks, And Learns
While getting your own robotic arm can be pricey, a China-based company called 7Bot wants to provide everyone with …
17 Colleges Are In Competition To Create The Best Solar-Powered Home
Every two years since 2002, the U.S. Department of Energy hosts a Solar Decathlon challenging collegiate teams to…
This Bluetooth-Connected Toothbrush Gets Kids Excited About Brushing
Those of you with little ones may often experience the battle of getting children to brush their teeth.…
Converting all of your food waste into energy with this machine
These days companies are consistently coming up with ideas for your waste products. NASA is even converting human…
To make this music video, producer sends a vintage Sony TV into space
If this music video was ever featured on 'Pop-up Video', it would have a really cool fact to brag about.
Doctor 3D-Printed Stethoscopes To Help With Shortage Of Medical Supplies In…
In the Palestinian territory there is a severe shortage of medical supplies. A Palestinian-Canadian doctor, Tarek…
SpaceX Gives Us A Peek Inside Its Next-Generation Crew Dragon Space Capsule
Three years ago, Elon Musk's space agency, SpaceX, made history with its Crew Dragon space capsule that delivered…
How Astronauts Eat Candy Aboard The International Space Station
Astronauts get a sweet tooth from time-to-time too.
This Giant Machine Does Mathematical Calculations Using Electromechanical Relays
Electrical engineer Simon A.J. Winder has spent the past six years perfecting this giant calculator, inspired by…