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Airforce technology, commercial aircraft technology and UAV innovation. Read about the news flying around the A&D market.
A Boeing 737 races a Tesla Model S at Australian airport
Every wonder who would win in a race between a giant airplane and an electric car? Wonder no more because Tesla…
Raytheon’s Patriot radar gets upgrade to combat future drones, planes,…
Air and missile defense is about to get an upgrade now that Raytheon just completed upgrades the combat-proven…
European airline reveals plans for hybrid plane that will save on fuel
In order to make flight more environmentally friendly, as well as save money on fuel, one Europe's largest…
This Raspberry Pi gadget tells you where the planes in the sky originated
New York Times journalist and developer, Jeremy Merrill, lives under New York's LaGuardia Airport and was inspired…
Video of the Day: Jetman flies next to an Emirates A380 airliner above Dubai
Perhaps you've heard about Swiss pilot…
Historic WWII Aircraft That Led D-Day Discovered, Awaiting Restoration
Last year, lying among trashed planes in an aircraft junkyard in Wisconsin, a historic piece of craft was…