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Consumer refers to technology specifically designed for consumer use, from computers and smart home technology, to personal gadgets such as wearables and smartphones.
Engineers create a computer that operates on just droplets of water
You would never think about pouring a glass of water onto your computer, right? Well, Stanford engineers have.…
How to build a motion sensing alarm that can be disabled with a resistor
Engineer Jason Poel Smith walks us through a step-by-step guide to creating a motion sensing alarm that can be…
Students can go on virtual reality field trips thanks to Google
Forget lining-up and heading for the hot, crowded school bus. Now kids are going on field trips right from the …
How to improve your Wi-Fi performance
Having some trouble with your Wi-Fi connection? Check out these nine tips before you get too frustrated.
Engineering students build a microcontroller-based medicine box
For their final project in the Electrical and Computer Engineering program, Cornell students Mingyuan Huang and Jie…
How to use Raspberry Pi to make a wheelchair controlled by eye movements
A team of teens for Germany have constructed a system for controlling a wheelchair with just eye movements.…
DIY: Smallest arcade cabinet is completely 3D-printed
The tiniest version of Space Invaders has been created, and it's fully-functional.
A company called Tiny…
Hobbyist builds enormous “Super Galactic Pinball Machine”
Hobbyist and “inventor of useless things,” Niklas Roy created a behemoth pinball machine for the 2015 Pinball…
AMD Unveils High-Performance Accelerated Processing Unit In A System-On-Chip At…
First high-performance Accelerated Processing Unit in a System-on-Chip design redefines the notebook processor,…
This Hotel Chain Is Working On High-Tech Improvements For Your Summer Vacation
The Royal Caribbean cruise ship equipped with robotic bartenders isn't the only high-tech vacation you can take…