Browsing Category
Technology for ecology and inspired by ecology. Here you will find the latest innovations in bio-inspired robotics to the damage inflicted upon ecology and remedied by technology.
Plastic pollution to be fought by the very hungry caterpillar
Caterpillars could be a biodegradable solution to plastic pollution.
Smart Farming: Cyber-space to cyber-seas
As smart farming marches into the technological future, there are some weird and wonderful solutions appearing to…
EduCycle environmental gaming platform launched in San Francisco
Based on the Paris Agreement on climate change, Neste's educational AR game EduCycle sets out to teach children…
Getting fresh water, anywhere on Earth
New technology developed by scientists at MIT and the University of California at Berkeley could provide a novel…
Wave tank enables the study of freak ocean waves
Researchers use a wave tank to understand rogue waves.
No chance of Great Barrier Reef recovery after back-to-back bleaching
Zero chance of recovery for the Great Barrier Reef.
Plant photosynthesis has grown in the 20th Century
Plant photosynthesis was stable for hundreds of years before the industrial revolution, but grew rapidly in the…
Feeding the world with bionic leaves
Researchers have invented a 'bionic' leaf that uses bacteria, sunlight, water and air to make fertilizer in the…