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Energy refers to the application of engineering to energy efficiency and services, facility management, ecology, and alternative energy technologies. It includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal power, biofuels, and hydro power.
Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore Lab Makes Fusion History
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced fusion…
Can Solar Energy Help Heal Our Land?
The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) says that the United States has sustained 338…
Fidget Vibrations Charge Wearable Devices
Fidget spinners were all the rage in 2017. What if we could harvest the energy used to send them spinning to power…
When Green is Black
by Jon Gabay, engineer
We are so manipulated in our society. Others dictate the technologies we will use and…
Sustainability for Smart Devices and Buildings
In Europe, the increasing energy prices and goals to reduce the CO2 footprint of buildings to become climate…
5 Advances in Solar That Could Reduce Energy Costs in 2023 and Beyond
As we stretch electrical grids across the U.S. and Europe to their maximum capacities and the price of electricity,…
Google Billionaire Warns China Gaining Technology Edge
Eric Schmidt has some recommendations for Washington regarding its policies. The former Google CEO is encouraging…
NASA Cooling Technique for Space Makes Charging EVs Fast and Easy
NASA's Biological and Physical Sciences Division sponsored a team that developed the Flow Boiling and Condensation…
Honeywell Revolutionizes Ethanol-to-Jet Fuel
Honeywell flies into the future with its revolutionary ethanol-to-jet fuel technology, bringing us closer to green…
MIT Engineers Create Battery-Free, Wireless Underwater Camera
A significant challenge for undersea exploration is powering underwater cameras. Researchers can tether it to their…