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Energy refers to the application of engineering to energy efficiency and services, facility management, ecology, and alternative energy technologies. It includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal power, biofuels, and hydro power.
The Next Big Wave in Tidal Turbine Braking Systems
Tidal turbines leverage a practically inexhaustible renewable resource by converting the energy of tidal flows into…
Redox Flow Batteries’ Advantages for Stationary Energy Storage Market
An increasing number of news articles about Redox Flow Batteries are present on the web. This technology, mostly…
Sustainable All-Organic Proton Battery Uses Quinones
The decline of standard battery performance at low temperatures and the environmental impact of mining the metals…
High Performance Energy Storage Materials for EVs
6K has announced that it has formally entered the energy storage market with a new division dedicated to energy…
Middle East Renewables Braced for Turbulent Outlook
Recent reports have estimated that global solar demand will slow down for the first time in three decades, with the…
Stray Magnetic Fields Can Power Smart Building Sensor Network
Small magnetic fields from the electricity that lights our homes and powers our appliances are present all around…
Helping Purchasers Combat Toxic E-Waste
Thousands of tonnes of toxic e-waste is illegally dumped in vulnerable regions every year. A new addition to TCO…
Solar and LED Efficiency Can Be Significantly Increased with Carbon Dot Method
By augmenting the auxiliary layers of the devices responsible for electron transport rather than working with the…
Data Centers Don’t Use As Much Energy As You Think
One might think that if the world is using more and more data, then it must be using more and more energy, right?…
New Tech Provides Efficient and Safe Cooling Options, Could Cut Electricity Bills
A new device to help homeowners cut electricity bills could also provide more efficient and safer cooling options…