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Energy refers to the application of engineering to energy efficiency and services, facility management, ecology, and alternative energy technologies. It includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal power, biofuels, and hydro power.
Connectivity Framework for Energy Systems
With RTI Connext DDS, Real-Time Innovations (RTI) has designed a connectivity framework for the demanding…
Giving Black Plastics a New Lease on Life
You’re hurrying home from work and realize you don’t have anything defrosted for dinner. You stop at the grocery…
Inverter Industry is Building Momentum for Change
The inverter market keeps steadily growing, boosted by electrification and CO2 reduction targets. The EV market…
Sustainability Report Increases Efficiencies Across Categories
Skyworks Solutions recently released its 2018 Sustainability Report, a voluntary, non-financial public document…
Rooftop Solar Power Generation Scheme to Reach Solar Mission Target
Following the recent announcement that the state government of Gujarat in India plans to launch a rooftop solar…
Creating Stacked Solar Cells with Off-The-Shelf Parts
Multi-junction solar cells are both the most efficient type of solar cell on the market today and the most…
Solar Plant Produces Carbon-neutral Hydrocarbon Fuel
Carbon-neutral fuels are crucial for making aviation and maritime transport sustainable. ETH researchers have…
Melted Plastic Waste and Activated Carbon Combine to Create Jet Fuel
Plastic waste is a worldwide problem. That's why researchers are constantly working to find new opportunities for…
Microgrid Brings Renewable Energy to the Bahamas
Head of the Nidec Industrial Solutions business platform belonging to the Nidec Group, Nidec ASI, has won the…
Innovative Vest Keeps Athletes Cool During Summer Play
Strategies to cope with body heat in sports is a pressing issue. The Tokyo Olympics will be held in the hot and…