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Energy refers to the application of engineering to energy efficiency and services, facility management, ecology, and alternative energy technologies. It includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal power, biofuels, and hydro power.
Ancient Technology Used To Level Electricity Prices
A proposal from MIT researchers shows ancient invention could help level electricity prices.
Solar Panel Roofed Cars Could Be A Thing By The End Of This Year
German automaker Audi is working with Chinese solar-cell specialist Hanergy to develop thin-film solar cells that…
Creating Carbon-Based Renewable Fuels More Efficiently
A new, more efficient way to create carbon-based fuels from carbon dioxide (CO2) has been found by chemists.
Learning From Photosynthesis For Efficient Solar Cells
A natural process that occurs during photosynthesis could lead to the design of more efficient artificial solar…
Insect Eyes Inspire Design Of Advanced Photovoltaics
Packing tiny solar cells together, like micro-lenses in the compound eye of an insect, could pave the way to a new…
Bumblebee Backpacks Powered By Insects Electric Energy
An ecologist and a micro-systems engineer from Bangor University, are working together to create micro-backpacks…
Coral Skeletons Resist The Effects Of Acidifying Oceans
Coral skeletons are the building blocks of diverse coral reef ecosystems, which has led to increasing concern over…
European Electricity Consumption Will Shift Under Climate Change
Rising temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions will fundamentally change electricity consumption patterns in…
Generating Solar Power Without Solar Panels
Buildings could soon be able to convert the sun's energy into electricity without the need for solar panels.
NYC Subway Comms System On Trial
CSiT's TRANSIS-Train communications system that is powered by Kontron TRACeT transportation computing products is…