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New solar cell captures CO2 and sunlight to create real fuel
There's a new kind of solar cell on the block — one that's taking on extra work. Instead of capturing sunlight and…
How do you enhance solar cells’ power? Water them
Less than ten years ago, a breakthrough in the solar realm was developed. Since then, perovskite solar cells have…
Start-up aims to create electricity from your air conditioner
It's summertime here in New York, which means we're using a lot of air conditioning and racking up our electric…
These light-trapping 3D solar cells are heading to the ISS
This week when SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket blasted off, heading for the International Space Station, it brought with…
Clean energy solution for reduced use of platinum
A way to use less platinum in chemical reactions commonly used in the clean energy, green chemicals, and automotive…
Ditch the gondola? Venice could see a greener method of transportation in its…
In the Italian city of Venice, approximately 20,000 leisure boats and 550 taxi boats cater to nearly 32 million…
Trucks can now drive on the world’s first electric road
Sweden is now home to the world´s first electric highway, which is being inaugurated near the city of Gävle in…
An alternative to silicon solar cells for safer green tech
As the world searches for cleaner ways to produce energy, solar energy comes to mind as one of the most popular…
Engineers have a plan to make the web more energy efficient
One way or another, the going "green" initiative is taking over — homes, cars, manufacturing process — companies…
Researchers combine biology and 3D printing for energy production
New techniques have been developed to extract oil and gas for energy. These advances have made new stores of…