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Solar renewable energy to work towards a ‘greener’ planet. Technological innovations in solar panels and news within the application of solar technology.
Solar Thermal Surface Windows To Save Energy
Researchers have developed a way to transform ordinary windows into solar-powered heaters that use the sun's energy…
Future Technology Could Lie Within Transparent Solar Materials
In Nature Energy, scientists have reported that see-through solar materials that can be applied to windows to…
Stella Vie Solar-Powered Car Hailed As The Future
A futuristic Dutch family car that not only uses the sun as power but supplies energy back to the grid was hailed…
Elon Musk’s Big Dreams For Puerto Rico And Its Solar Panels
The Tesla Chief Executive, Elon Musk said he would discuss building a high tech solar grid for the island with…
The 30th Anniversary World Solar Challenge Has Begun
It's a special moment in the history of clean energy: the 30th anniversary World Solar Challenge has begun.
Improving Solar Cells Can Improve Collisions In Autonomous Cars
Solar cells capture photons from sunlight in order to convert them into electricity. The thicker the layer of…
Dark Alpha-Phase Perovskite Created With Direct Laser Writing
KU Leuven researchers from the Roeffaers Lab and the Hofkens Group have now discovered a new, easier way to create…
Ancient Technology Used To Level Electricity Prices
A proposal from MIT researchers shows ancient invention could help level electricity prices.
Solar Panel Roofed Cars Could Be A Thing By The End Of This Year
German automaker Audi is working with Chinese solar-cell specialist Hanergy to develop thin-film solar cells that…
Learning From Photosynthesis For Efficient Solar Cells
A natural process that occurs during photosynthesis could lead to the design of more efficient artificial solar…