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The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing at a rapid pace with a wealth of startups racing to create connected products to measure and sensor everything.
What is State-of-the-Art Intelligent Computing?
Where are we currently in the field of intelligent computing? According to experts, we're moving from an…
CES 2023 – Canon Demos a First in Immersive Movie Experiences
Canon USA is demonstrating how its technology is dissolving the barrier between real and virtual worlds at CES…
CES 2023: See Multichannel Audio Software IP Run on an Android TV SoC Platform
WiSA Technologies is demonstrating its first port of its wireless multichannel audio software to an Android TV SoC…
Reality at Stake, VR vs. AR
The virtual reality (VR) concept is not a new fad. Companies have been making VR systems for decades.
Uh Oh! Machine Learning and Ransomware
HiddenLayer's SAI Team of researchers has developed a proof-of-concept attack to deploy malware via machine…
Crypto 2022 Scam Losses? $3.5 Billion
While FTX appears to be the biggest crypto scam of 2022, it’s not alone. A new survey by Privacy Affairs, …
World-First Caregiving Simulator Lowers Barrier to Entry into Assistive Robotics
Approximately 190 million people around the globe have conditions that impair their ability to move and function…
Fidget Vibrations Charge Wearable Devices
Fidget spinners were all the rage in 2017. What if we could harvest the energy used to send them spinning to power…
Lockheed Martin, Microsoft to Power Next-Gen National Security for DoD
Lockheed Martin and Microsoft announced they are expanding their strategic relationship to power next-gen…
Is a Borderless Workforce a Run Around the H1B Shortage?
Although I’ve worked remotely for decades, companies “discovered” that remote workers are indeed productive when…