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The medical end market refers to the application of engineering to medicine and biology in order to improve healthcare treatment such as diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. Includes, but is not limited to, prostheses, robotics, implants, devices, and genetic engineering. A major part of this category is research and development.
Better Than Bluetooth?
University of Sussex researchers innovated an energy-efficient alternative to transmit data that could replace…
Robot Assesses Post-Stroke Mobility
Most of us know family members or friends who have had a stroke. More than 15 million people globally experience…
Jumping Robots Go Where No Robot Has Gone Before
Engineers from the University of Illinois just released the first known study documenting the long-jumping motion…
Wireless, Handheld Device Detects Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s…
International researchers have developed a handheld, non-invasive device that detects Alzheimer's and Parkinson's…
Robot Confuses Worker for a Box—Crushes Him to Death
An employee of a robot installation company was crushed to death in South Korea when an industrial robot mistook…
Breakthrough ‘Robot Skin’ Responds to Tactile Stimuli
UBC and Honda researchers developed a smart, stretchable highly sensitive soft sensor
skin with potential robotics…
License NASA’s Assistive Technologies
In its innovation of unique technologies for use in space, NASA has developed and licensed a myriad of treatments…
Instant evolution: AI designs new robot from scratch in seconds
A team led by Northwestern University researchers has developed the first artificial intelligence (AI) to date that…
Exploring DIY: Robots, Lightsabers, Jet Engines, and More
Creativity knows no bounds in the realm of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. From building robots that navigate…
Power Integrations and SnapMagic Collaborate to Advance Power Supply Design…
Power Integrations (NASDAQ: POWI), the leader in high-voltage integrated circuits (IC) for energy-efficient power…