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The medical end market refers to the application of engineering to medicine and biology in order to improve healthcare treatment such as diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. Includes, but is not limited to, prostheses, robotics, implants, devices, and genetic engineering. A major part of this category is research and development.
Delivering light into human tissue may heal wounds faster
Researchers from the University of St Andrews and Harvard Medical School have developed a new fiber-optic…
Smart sock and app developed to prevent diabetic amputations
Researchers are developing all kinds of sock technology these days. If you remember, just a while back, a team of…
New device enhances digital microscope imaging for better disease detection
While digital imagery has been especially helpful in microscopy, sometimes the images result in blurry and…
Engineers use laser beams to write with bubbles
Engineers from The University of Texas at Austin have been doing some writing — not with a ball point pen — with a…
Researchers equip sperm with micromotors to help women get pregnant
One of the top causes of infertility stems for sperm that do not propel well enough. In order to help women trying…
Microbots controlled by “mini force fields” can help detect cancer
Purdue University researchers are using a technology comparable to "mini force fields" to control individual…
Silicon Labs Launches Breakthrough Heart Rate Monitoring Sensor Solution
Silicon Labs has introduced an optical heart rate sensing solution designed to reduce the cost and complexity of…
Breathe into the LEVL device to see how much fat you’re burning
Since there's no "one-size-fits-all" fitness regimen and every person's body responds differently to physical…
Smart kitchen utensils aim to assist Parkinson’s patients with tremors
If you're familiar with the medical conditions Parkinson's Disease, which affects approximately seven million…
Ladies: Forget the Fitbit, this biometric bra is the new wearable
While Fitbits and smartwatches are the "in" fitness and health accessory, a company called OMsignal has introduced…