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Robotic Exoskeleton Could Help Children With Cerebral Palsy
Could a robotic exoskeleton—a leg brace powered by small motors—could alleviate crouch gait in children with…
Prototype Exoskeleton Controlled Via Alexa
A prototype exoskeleton that can respond to spoken instructions via Amazon's voice assistant, Alexa.
STAR: The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot
Autonomous robots are smarter, and they are beginning to edge their way into the operating room. These robots are…
Robotic Training Method Improves Crouch Gait
A pilot study in Science Robotics that demonstrates a robotic training method that improves posture and walking in…
Snakelike robot journeys through intestines
Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Be’er Sheva, Israel, have created a snakelike robot that may…
Want to know how long you’ve got left to live? AI can tell you…
A study has shown that an AI has been developed that can tell you how long you have to live, and its results are…
Supplemental robotic arms controlled by your feet
To use MetaLimbs robotic arms, you strap tracking markers to your feet and knees, allowing you to control the wrist…
Robots can now lend combat medics a helping hand
Robotic arms are being developed to help the combat medics out on the front line, maneuver and evacuate wounded…
Swiss engineers work on edible robot
The next robot, suggested writers, could be an edible item crawling through your gut.
Robots used to grow human tissue
Human-like robots might provide the best platform for growing tissue to be transplanted into human patients it has…