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Surge in “Ryuk” Ransomware Attacks Threaten Patient Care
Hospitals across the US are bracing for aggressive cyberattacks that could threaten patient care amid the national…
Machine Learning Sensors Could Cut Methane Emissions by 90%
Natural gas and petroleum systems, according to the EPA, are the largest anthropogenic source of methane in the…
Smart Tablecloth Finds Fruit, Helps Water Plants
We’re still a long way from the Star Trek food replicators that can produce an equally delicious cup of Earl Grey…
Electric Vehicles Will Rise to a Market of $2.3 trillion by 2041
The market for electric vehicles across land, sea and air will be 24 million unit sales this year, which represents…
Online Market Place for R-Car System-On-Chip
Renesas has announced the launch of its online Market Place, which offers a one-stop source of solutions that help…
Water Sensors: IoT is the Solution
IoT solutions are found in every single industry. Homeowners, for example, can use a range of internet-connected…
Renesas and Sequans to Collaborate on 5G/4G Cellular IoT
Renesas Electronics and Sequans Communications have announced that they will partner to develop IoT modules based…
SpaceX Starlink Beta Test Promises to be “Better Than Nothing”
Truth in marketing counts for something. In an era of false promises and hype, it’s refreshing to see a company…
3D-Printed Prosthesis Cheaper and More Comfortable than Conventional Artificial…
The World Health Organization estimates there are 30 million people globally who require prostheses, and the number…
Robots Motivated by Higher Scores Rather than Treats
It takes about six weeks to train a puppy using a system of rewards. Now, with a training technique commonly used…