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Multidisciplinary Team Creates Soft Robotic Exosuit for Stroke Survivors
In addition to the language, field of vision, and other deficits caused by stroke, 8 out of 10 stroke survivors…
3D Printed Precision Microscopes for US$18
Commercial microscopes intended for lab use can sell for tens of thousands of dollars. Recently though, University…
Optic Innovations Transform the AR & VR Industries
AR was and continues to be the dream that consumer electronics companies want to make real to deliver the…
LEAP Robots Inspired by Cheetahs Are Fastest, Most Versatile Soft Robots Yet
As robotics engineering research speeds up to meet demand for robotic solutions, researchers look more and to the…
Gecko Toe-Inspired Agile Locomotion Inspires Ideas for Robot Feet, Grippers,…
As we plan to use robots to replace humans working in dangerous operating conditions like mining, with slippery…
Robots Have Direct Influence on Income Inequality
A new study co-authored by an MIT professor looks at the extent to which robots have replaced workers in the last…
Stacked Tandem Structure Could Boost Solar Cell Efficiency by 50%
The silicon solar cells we use today aren’t particularly efficient when it comes to converting solar energy into…
MicroCare Offers IPA Alternatives for Electronics Assembly
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is making the availability of IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) scarce. The Center for Disease…
High-performance LEDs Melt Metal Powder for 3D Printing
A team led by Franz Haas, head of the Institute of Production Engineering at TU Graz, has developed a new…
Inexpensive 3D-printed Ventilator that Needs no Electricity Awaiting FDA Emergency…
A trauma surgeon and a team of engineers have designed and prototyped a new ventilator design that requires no…