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Coral Skeletons Resist The Effects Of Acidifying Oceans
Coral skeletons are the building blocks of diverse coral reef ecosystems, which has led to increasing concern over…
Self-driving Pizza Delivery Cars Are Being Tested By Domino’s And Ford
Ford and Domino’s Pizza are teaming up to test self-driving pizza delivery cars in Michigan, as part of an effort…
Will The Tesla Electric Truck Have A Range Of 200 To 300 Miles?
With self-driving technology on the horizon, cars are not the only items of interest. From manufacturers to fleet…
Emojis Based On Your Own Facial Expressions? Yes Please!
New AI technology has been designed to recognise your facial expressions and then use the appropriate emoji to…
Can The New Fitbit Smartwatch Overtake Its Competitors?
Fitbit has a lot to prove with the Iconic, its new smartwatch as it doubles down on fitness. But is this enough to…
The Selfie That Could Save Your Life
A new smartphone app, Biliscreen, has been developed which can screen for pancreatic cancer by having users snap a…
Improving Vaccines By Boosting Immune Cell Memory
Vaccines and cancer immunotherapies both focus on CD8+ T cells, a type of immune cell that can either kill…
European Electricity Consumption Will Shift Under Climate Change
Rising temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions will fundamentally change electricity consumption patterns in…
North American Robotics Market Sets New Records
The North American robotics market has had its best opening half ever to begin 2017, setting new records in all…
Small, Safe, Aerial Drones Read RFID Tags
System enables small, safe, aerial drones to read RFID tags from tens of meters away while identifying the tags’…