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Lab-Grade Medical Diagnostic Tests From Your Smartphone
Technology enables a smartphone to perform lab-grade medical diagnostic tests that typically require large,…
Is Snap Now The Modern Camera Company?
Snap was hailed as the next Facebook, but has most recently had an extremely tough time on Wall Street, especially…
Nintendo Sued Over The Switch By Gamevice
Gamevice is suing Nintendo for allegedly violating a patent for concepts used in the Wikipad.
Motion Control Camera Rig Uses Lasers
The SurfaceONE uses a built-in laser pointer that makes it easier to set up a shot, to ensure your subject will…
Strand Of DNA Used To Wield Malware Attack
Changing a little bit of computer code in DNA sequencing software can make a computer vulnerable to malware…
Virginia Tech Experiment With Ghost Driver
Virginia Tech university's recent 'driverless-vehicle experiment involved disguising a human driver as a car seat.
X Prize Foundation Uses AI To Combat Drug Addiction
The X Prize Foundation is offering a massive incentive to people working on potentially world changing technology.
Advancing Robotics Requires Simpler Bots
Researchers, Yoichi Masuda and Masato Ishikawa are advancing the field of robotics by actually engineering simpler…
How Smart Lighting Control Technologies Help OEMs Grow
Two new articles now at the Cortet by CEL website explain how a lighting manufacturer can successfully leverage…
AC/DC Converters For Medical Applications
Gresham Power Electronics has announced the introduction of a series of low noise AC/DC Converters for medical…