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Fitness trackers on the wrong track for weight loss?
Author: Daisy Stapley-Bunten
Does a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association…
CNC technology utilized for precision positioning
To maintain competitive market edge through the use of precise positioning techniques, US machine tool control…
Latest Simulation Designed For 911 Networks
The latest test, simulation, and monitoring systems for 911, E-911, and NG-911 networks, systems, and protocols has…
Soybeans the answer to world hunger?
A way to dramatically increase the yield and quality of soybeans has been developed by Washington State…
I can see clearly now the rain has gone
I can see all obstacles in my way...
Water-shedding coating for car windshields wins $10k grand prize at…
Air-actuated soft robots behave like human muscles
An EPFL team is developing soft, flexible and reconfigurable robots. Air-actuated, they behave like human…
The Big Apple or the Big Bobbing Apple?
New York City can expect 9ft. floods, as intense as that produced by 2012's Superstorm Sandy, at least three times…
The motorcycle of the future is here, and it’s self-balancing
The motorcycle of the future is so safe riders can cruise without helmet—all of the thrills with none of the…
Daisy-chain-like molecular structures mimic muscle behavior
Interlocking daisy-chain-like molecular structures that can switch from an expanded and contracted position based…
Nearby star Proxima Centauri has regular starspots
In August astronomers announced that the nearby star Proxima Centauri hosts an Earth-sized planet (called Proxima…