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Technique can pinpoint epileptic seizure triggers in the brain
Scientists at the University of Exeter have developed a pioneering new technique that could revolutionize the…
Undergrad project to combat resistant bacteria
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasing in number globally, threatening human health. An undergraduate…
Vaccines on ice: Solution for developing countries
From polio to hepatitis, vaccines against killer diseases are fragile and can easily be made useless if they get…
BRIM technique identifies aggressive breast cancer cells
A technology that can identify aggressive forms of ductal carcinoma in situ, or stage 0 breast cancer, from…
Crystal orientation a breakthrough for solar tech
Researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Northwestern University and Rice University have tweaked their…
Vishay Thick Film Chip Resistors Feature AgPd Terminations
Vishay introduced a new series of sulfur-resistant thick film chip resistors with silver/palladium (Ag/Pd)…
Phihong Family of Highly Efficient Moveable EV DC Chargers
Phihong has announced a new family of moveable EV DC off-board chargers that provide quick and highly efficient…
Transition radiation detectors to be developed
Employees of MEPh have been the first to develop detectors of transition radiation, which are able to split hadrons…
Proposal to improve angular resolution of a telescope
In a paper published in the journal Optics Letters, from The Optical Society (OSA), a research team now proposes a…
Two nanomaterials could be the fabric of future electronics
The future of electronics may include two other nanomaterials, according to a study by researchers at the…