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AVX Releases New Medical Selector Guide
AVX has released a new, interactive Medical Selector Guide that features industry-specific summary information…
Anyone can maintain a farm with this open-source DIY robot
This July pre-orders will begin for a robot that can turn pretty much anyone into an expert farmer. The FarmBot was…
Take a peek at the fully functional 3D printed plane Airbus just made
Airbus just showed off a fully 3D printed flyable 4 x 4-m sub-scale plane at the Internationale Luft- und…
New wearable makes using the computer better for physical health
It's no surprise that sitting in front of a computer all day can have negative impacts on your physical health.…
Now anyone can design anything with this $50 3D printer
There are a plethora of more affordable 3D printers on the market now that additive manufacturing has become so…
Video of the Day: Hobbyist creates a smart home on $150 budget
A YouTube user who goes by the name "Tom atg," wanted to show the world how easy it is to create your own DIY smart…
Google’s autonomous cars are perfecting horn honking
In order to perfect self-driving cars, Google thought it necessary to make sure they knew how to honk the horn.…
Video of the Day: Pro football team adds robots to its practices
Last year, Dartmouth University unveiled the “Mobile Virtual Player” (MVP) — the only powered device that…
Wirelessly charge multiple devices at classic speeds with a super-thin pad
Wireless charging has become a pretty popular topic in the tech world and it's safe to say that our electronics…
For $14,000 you can have a smartphone that blocks cyberattacks
Maybe $13,800 seems like a lot of money for a smartphone, but according to Swiss start-up Sirin Labs, you'd be…