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Innovative wide VIN DC/DC controller features industry’s highest 65-V operation
Texas Instruments (TI) introduced a 2.2-MHz, dual-channel synchronous buck converter with a unique set of features…
Dual-mode 56-Gbps PAM-4 and 30-Gbps NRZ Transceiver Technology
Altera, now the Programmable Solutions Group (PSG) within Intel Corporation, unveiled the transceiver technology…
Watch this drone draw on walls
Researchers from MIT's Fluid Interface Lab have developed a drone that can write on your walls.
Group members …
Samsung reveals its smart windshield for motor bikes
With smart car technology on the rise, Samsung has presented a new safety concept that targets two-wheeled vehicles…
There’s a new way to scroll on computers that speeds up reading
Want to be a speed-reader? Want to ditch the traditional scrolling technique we've become so accustomed to while…
Video of the Day: Lego vending machine dispenses McDonald’s french fries
Who wouldn't want their McDonald's french fries dispensed out of a Lego-crafted vending machine?
Solar-powered smart blinds automatically adjust
As home automation products flood the market, there's one aspect of the home that hasn't gotten too much attention …
Students develop hi-tech kitchen device that turns waste food into compost
As more and more people "go green," student engineers are trying to figure out how to turn our everyday waste food…
Watch Microsoft’s virtual 3D teleportation in real-time
Microsoft Research recently released a video displaying its new technology called holoportation. The 3D capture…
Camera removes reflections from photos taken through windows
Taking a picture through glass produces nasty reflections that damage the photograph. Researchers from MIT's …