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Revolutionary Solutions Addressing the Growing Impact of ‘Internet of…
University of Leicester computer scientists have developed a novel technology to manage demands on mobile networks…
A Look at China’s IC Expansion
China is expanding its IC capabilities at all costs, and the “game” is playing out internationally. The stakes are…
Better Than Bluetooth?
University of Sussex researchers innovated an energy-efficient alternative to transmit data that could replace…
RTX and DARPA to Increase RF Sensor Capabilities with GaN Technology
Raytheon, an RTX company, received a four-year, $15 million contract from DARPA to increase the electronic…
Robot Assesses Post-Stroke Mobility
Most of us know family members or friends who have had a stroke. More than 15 million people globally experience…
What They Don’t Want You to Know About C02 Emissions
According to a new study, corporations are not detailing the full scope of their carbon footprint—many claim to be…
Jumping Robots Go Where No Robot Has Gone Before
Engineers from the University of Illinois just released the first known study documenting the long-jumping motion…
Wireless, Handheld Device Detects Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s…
International researchers have developed a handheld, non-invasive device that detects Alzheimer's and Parkinson's…
23% of UK Parents Claim their Child is Addicted to Gaming
ID Crypt Global just released a survey of 1,300 UK parents, showing that 23% say their child is addicted to gaming.…
Lockbit Hackers Publish Boeing Data
Boeing's internal data from defense and space contractor Boeing was published online by the Lockbit cybercrime…