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BlackBerry’s ‘Intrinsically Safe’ Devices Aid Hazardous Materials…
BlackBerry is launching a series of BlackBerry Radar devices – H2M IS- to aid hazardous materials carriers. Backed…
EU Adds New Rules to Further Crack Down on Big Tech
The European Union (EU) has chosen 22 "gatekeeper" services, run by six of the world's largest tech companies, to…
Personalized Drug Treatment Enhanced by AI-Powered Soft Robotic Implant: Scar…
Implantable medical device technologies promise to unlock advanced therapeutic interventions in healthcare, such as…
Apple and Arm’s Chip Tech Deal
You can find out a lot in an SEC filing. For example, information such as Apple's new deal with ARM on chip…
When Light Loses Symmetry, it can Hold Particles
Optical tweezers use light to immobilize microscopic particles as small as a single atom in 3D space. The principle…
Triple-decker Hybrid Crystals for Lasers
Researchers at Duke University and Purdue University managed the arrangement of multiple inorganic and organic…
Digitizing the Sense of Smell
While vision and hearing are already digitized, the sense of smell has proven to be more complex and perplexing. …
How Cutting-Edge Innovations are Redefining Healthcare
In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, technological advancements are pivotal in transforming patient care,…
Brain-to-Text Technology and Musk
Two studies published in the journal Nature indicate progress in the race to teach computers to translate brain…
The Pentagon and the Technology Gap
According to a recent article by Tony DeMartino of Pallas Advisors, specializing in the intersection of technology…