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Robotic technology from humanoid robots, remote robots, origami robots to industrial robots.
This 3D-printed crawling robot is made of sea slug body parts
Bio-inspired robots aren't new, but robots comprised of animal parts are.
Now, researchers from Case Western…
Video of the Day: Man controls drones with his mind
Drone tech is cool. Drone tech via mind-control is even cooler.
An Arizona State University professor just…
Ford’s new robots are building cars
Ford has hired some new robotic employees to build its next line of cars. And even though they are just machines,…
Video of the Day: Cattle-herding robot gets to work
The students over at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics, a division of the The University of Sydney, have…
Robots strut their stuff in sneakers, walk like humans
Humanoid robots are now walking around just like humans — and even wearing our sneakers.
A team of engineers from…
Minecraft as research: Project Malmo
Microsoft has made Project Malmo, a platform that uses the world of Minecraft as a testing ground for advanced AI…
Cybathlon in Zürich tests bionic strength
At the Cybathlon, 74 athletes from 25 countries will be showing how robotic technology helps them in their daily…
Salamander robot walks and swims with hi-tech vertebrae
Since scientists are making so many bio-inspired robots these days, why not add a salamander to the mix.…
Boston Dynamics’ SpotMini is like a robotic house-pet that does chores
Do you feel like getting a new pet? How about a pet that does chores like load the dishwasher or bring you a soda?…
Automated drone platform launches and lands drones without a pilot
There's now a completely new way to fly drones — without actually flying them. Thanks to a new automatic…