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Robotic technology from humanoid robots, remote robots, origami robots to industrial robots.
Build and control robots with just your hand, no coding skills required
If you've ever wanted to build your own robots, but weren't too technical, a company called ZiroUI, a start-up that…
College Course Combines Robots And Driverless Cars With Rubber Duckies
Yes, you read correctly — rubber duckies.
If you're looking for a class to take at the Massachusetts Institute…
Today’s Tech Image: China reveals “Robot Goddess”
Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have revealed what appears to be one of…
Hobbyists hack a 3D printer to create robotic air hockey partner
Two electronic hobbyists, Juan Pedro and Jose Julio, who really love tinkering with robots, started up a website…
Robotic snakes will be installed underwater for sub-sea operations
It won't be the Lochness Monster way down in the depths of the ocean. Instead, it will be a series of robotic…
Robot developed to help kids with autism in social situations
April is autism-awareness month. According to the Autism Society, over 3.5 million Americans live with some form of…
Robots are better at inspecting power lines
Next time you look out the window and see a robot checking your power lines, don't worry, it's a safer alternative.…
Robots Could Get A Self-Powered Smart Skin Upgrade
Robots can be fashioned with all sorts of technology to make them smarter, more durable, and more efficient than…
No art skills required: This robotic spray can paints giant murals
Robots have skills that range from cooking, cleaning, and driving, to health care and surgical practice — and now…
MIT Engineers Can 3D Print Entire Functional Robots In One Step
Creating a robot can be a grueling process for engineers. Production and assembly require time and money. But now,…