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Robotic technology from humanoid robots, remote robots, origami robots to industrial robots.
Another robot vies for fastest Rubick’s Cube solving record, solves in under…
Earlier this month a hobbyist duo, Jay Flatland and Paul Rose, created a robot that broke the world record for…
Watch 540 robots ring in the Chinese New Year
What better way to celebrate Chinese New Year than with 540 dancing robots and 29 drones?
The dancing robots…
Hobbyist builds Raspberry Pi powered underwater drone
Hobbyist Niels Affourtit, was inspired by a National Geographic documentary in which he witnessed an underwater…
This golfing robot becomes the first to score a hole-in-one
Robots may take our jobs — and replace our athletes too. One robot, Eldrick, named after well-known golfer Tiger…
Researchers create a robot that changes color to blend in
As robots become more bio-inspired, it was only a matter of time before some engineers gave them the ability to…
These soft robotic fingers are gentle enough to carry eggs
Since robots are afforded more and more capabilities these days, a team of researchers from Ecole Polytechnique…
Even Mars rovers take selfies
If you thought selfies were just a fad for humans, you were wrong. Mars' Curiosity Rover, which has been exploring…
Check out the giant robot arm assembling NASA’s Webb Telescope
If you thought NASA would leave the assembly of the James Webb Space Telescope to mere humans, you were wrong.…
Multi-functional drone not only flies, floats and swims too
Researchers from Oakland University must have been tired of ordinary drones used for aerial operations, or robots…
This robot can solve a Rubik’s cube faster than anyone
Two years ago, the Internet had the pleasure of meeting Cubestormer 3, a LEGO robot that achieved a Guinness World…