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Wearable VR headsets, AR smartphone applications and games; let’s take a look into the future of virtual and augmented reality.
Swim Goggles With Augmented-Reality Display
Sports technology company FORM has announced the FORM Swim Goggles, a pair of premium swim goggles with a…
Mixed Reality Headset Capable of Total Immersion
VRgineers, have announced a new lightweight augmented reality vision and tracking module for its XTAL VR headset,…
VR Pods Installed at Mote Aquarium and Santa Barbara Zoo
It has been announced by Immotion Group, that following the success of the Blue Ocean Series, VR cinematic pods…
Usability is Key for AR to Succeed at AWE USA
The AR-interaction and UX-specialist Crunchfish will demonstrate the importance of efficient interaction in AR…
Augmented Reality Robot Could Help People with Profound Motor Deficits
In his later years, Dr. Stephen Hawking’s electronically generated voice was enhanced through artificial…
Will Spherical Displays Bring Us Closer to VR Collaboration?
Virtual reality is a technology that is changing the way we interact with everything, but it can often make users…
AR app for human-machine interaction on the plant floor
An augmented reality (AR) app has been developed by Progea that incorporates Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) onto…
Combined integrated optics and holography in AR technology
An institute of CEA-Tech, Leti, has developed a novel retinal-projection concept for augmented reality (AR) uses…
Sensors enabling the next-generation of all-in-one VR platforms
A complete portfolio of VR sensors enabling a new class of highly accurate and affordable all-in-one VR solutions…
How Immersive Tech Benefits U.S. Soldiers
While next-gen technology like augmented and virtual reality are becoming increasingly common in devices such as…