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Scientific news within the field of astrophysics, from news of solar eclipses to star behavior.
Massive Triple Star System First Detected by Amateurs
Astronomers announced a compact "one of a kind" system of three stars earlier this year. The star system consists…
A Star Shredded by a Black Hole
One of the craziest things a supermassive black hole can do is shred a star with its enormous tidal forces. The…
Watch Now: A Flicker from a Black Hole
The bright glow of rapidly orbiting gas has a unique flicker. In a recent paper published in Astrophysical Journal…
Watching a Rare Giant Star Die
A team of astronomers from the University of Arizona created a detailed, 3-D image of a dying hypergiant star. They…
Finding New Particles Around Black Holes
Ultralight particle clouds can form around rotating black holes. Physicists from the University of Amsterdam and…
The First Image of the Milky Way’s Black Hole
Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are part of a large international collaboration that…
Rare “Black Widow” Binary has Shortest Orbit
MIT astronomers have locked onto a mysterious system 3,000 light years from Earth—a "black widow binary." The…
Supernova Survivor Revealed by Hubble
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope uncovered a companion star previously hidden in the glare of its partner's supernova.…
White Dwarf Breaks Spinning Records
A team of astronomers led by the University of Warwick has discovered a white dwarf star spinning so quickly, that…
The secret life of ultra-low frequency gravitational waves
The detection of ultra-low frequency gravitational waves is delivering insights into the development of the…