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Here’s the First Functional Graphene Semiconductor
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology created the world’s first functional semiconductor made from…
Overcoming Long-Standing Limitations in Optics
When you look up at a dark sky and see clouds of unique shapes or struggle to peer through the dense, hazy fog,…
‘Impossible’ Millimeter Wave Sensor has Wide Potential
Researchers at UC Davis developed a proof-of-concept sensor with the potential for millimeter-wave radars. They’ve…
A chip designed just for you? Why an Application Specific Integrated Circuit…
While it may not be common knowledge, ASICs have transformed many electronics products. Even a mid-range vehicle…
A Single Drop of Ethanol Upends Existing Nanosensor Manufacture
Macquarie University engineers invented a new technique to make the manufacture of nanosensors less…
LEGO Bricks Meet DNA: Nanoengineering with a Novel Purification Approach
DNA origami, the groundbreaking technique of creating complex nanostructures using long, single-stranded DNA…
Buff Robots?
A new ferroelectric polymer exceptionally good at converting electrical energy into mechanical strain holds promise…
Nano Particles Can Cause Macro Problems
Smaller size has always been a goal of virtually any manufactured good. From a material standpoint, smaller means…
Another Look at Friction in Multi-layered Graphene
Graphene use in carbon-based 2D nanomaterials is ideal for next-generation electronics, optics, catalysis,…
New States in 2D Materials
Thin two-dimensional (2D) materials can exhibit excitonic properties, making them an attractive platform to explore…