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The latest ‘periodic table’ for nanomaterials
A new simulation could help scientists decide what molecules best interact with each other to build nanomaterials…
SAS steps up efforts to bring nano-satellite based communications to the Caribbean
Sky and Space Global (SAS) works to provide affordable communications to the world's equatorial regions, and has…
Single-celled architects inspire advanced nanotechnology
Diatoms are tiny, unicellular creatures, inhabiting oceans, lakes, rivers and soils. Through their respiration,…
Imec extends damascene metallization towards the 3nm technology node
At this week’s 2018 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC 2018), imec will present 11 papers…
Flow synthesis of novel nanomaterials for next-gen electronic devices
Uniqsis has reported how the Institute of Physics at the University of Tartu (Estonia) has used a FlowSyn…
Heat-emitting nanoparticles enable organ reheating
A new technique that uses heat-emitting nanoparticles could enable doctors to reheat organs rapidly enough to…
Imec reports ultralow contact resistivity at IEDM 2017
Imec reports ultralow contact resistivity of 5x10-10Ωcm2 on Gallium (Ga)-doped p-Germanium (Ge) source/drain…
Imec demonstrates PPAC benefit of sequential-3D integration
At this week’s 2017 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), imec presented the first…
Imec reports on GAA nanowire transistors at IEDM 2017
Imec reports on multiple key process optimizations for vertically stacked Gate-All-Around (GAA) silicon nanowire…
Your office could soon be illuminated by the power of plants
MIT engineers have taken a critical first step toward making that vision a reality. By embedding specialized…