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Origami Robot Uses Exoskeletons To Perform Tasks
Now, in a bid to augment the bots’ abilities, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence…
Autonomous DNA Robot Performs Nanoscale Tasks
Caltech scientists have developed an autonomous DNA robot that can perform similar tasks—at the nanoscale.
Graphene-Based Coating To Help Provide Clean Water For The World
A graphene-based coating for desalination membranes that is more robust and scalable than current nanofiltration…
Organic Polymer Nanosheet Prevents Biological Samples Drying
To prevent the drying and deforming of biological samples, a nanosheet made of organic polymers has been developed,…
Store 200TB Of Data In One Inch Square
It could soon be possible to store upward of 200 terabits of data on a device measuring just one-inch square.
Printing Monolayers Of Luminescent-Protected Holograms
A new approach for printing luminescent structures based on nanoparticle ink has been unveiled by researchers at…
Energy From Your Sweat Could Power Your Wearable
Stretchable fuel cells that extract energy from sweat and are capable of powering electronics.
Are Toxic Quantum Dots The Best Option For The Environment?
Some quantum dots are made with potentially harmful metals, which could leach into the environment when the device…
Fast Charging Devices Thanks To Candy Cane Supercapacitor
As opposed to hours for batteries, supercapacitors promise recharging of phones and other devices in seconds and…
Graphene-Based Tattoo Acts As Biometric Wearable
A graphene-based tattoo that can be directly laminated onto the skin with water, similar to a temporary tattoo has…