Browsing Category
The optoelectronics category covers, but is not limited to, news around displays, lasers, LEDs, optocouplers and photodiodes.
Lasers enable scientists to study marine animals
A new method for measuring the flow of seawater through larvaceans and other gelatinous animals using lasers.
The easy way to find a custom laser
Individually specified lasers for industries such as medical, business or research, are now being offered and are…
Camera system similar to how eyes work in tandem
Scientists have taken inspiration from how animals' eyes work to create a new camera system.
Sunlight Readable Displays with Low Power Consumption
Distec adds sunlight readable displays to product range.
New technique could revolutionize laser-based dermatological procedures
Laser treatments have been around for years but a new technique could massively help the laser-based dermatological…
A 5.1MP imaging solution for high-end security cameras
ON Semiconductor has unveiled their AR0521 CMOS image sensor.
A lensless imaging camera
Researchers have built a camera that could produce 2D images using only one light sensor.
Magic calendar: Blurring the gap between analogue and digital
The Magic Calendar is, "part of a Japanese Android Experiments campaign that looks for potential Android-powered…
Transparent silver to be used for flexible screens
The thinnest, smoothest layer of silver that can survive air exposure could change the way touchscreens and flat or…
Quantum dots emit brighter, better lasers
The new method produces continuous laser light that is brighter, less expensive and more tuneable than current…