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NeoCortec to Exhibit and Present at Light&Building 2024
NeoCortec will exhibit at Light&Building in Frankfurt, Germany, from March 3 to March 8, 2024, in Hall 9.0 on…
High-Temp Semiconductor With a Twist, Please
There’s a new way to make and manipulate a class of high-temperature semiconductors, and an international team,…
The USGS Turns to Quantum Tech
Having switched my major from geology to business, I’m still a sucker for all things USGS. The organization just…
Moore’s Law Remedy—Moving from ‘More Moore’ to ‘More Than Moore’
Moore's Law predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double every two years. Limitations exist.…
AI Finds New Material to Reduce Lithium in Batteries
Move over Lithium; there's a new material in town. Researchers have discovered a material that might reduce Lithium…
Wireless Technology Transforms Test and Measurement Equipment
Test and measurement equipment are fundamental tools in electrical engineering, playing a crucial role in…
Static Electricity and Biomedical Implant Durability
Recently, there's a lot of activity in using biomedical implants in the body, such as in the heart or brain. They…
3D Atomic Details of Next-gen Alloys Finally Revealed
Alloys are essential for buildings, transportation, appliances, and tools. They've also caused engineers to face a…
We’re Closer to Sustaining Life on Mars
University of Sussex researchers discovered the transformative potential of Martian nanomaterials, possibly opening…
Semiconductor Material Sustainability
Many materials in conventional semiconductor devices come from environmentally damaging extraction processes, are…