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Investment to fuel growth and technology innovation
There are more than five billion mobile subscribers around the world, but only 30% are able to stay connected with…
Desert endurance test for LoRa-system flexibility with IoT network
Demonstrating the flexibility of LoRa technology to bring the benefits of the Internet of Things to virtually any…
5G is the fourth industrial revolution
5G is not just another G on the mobile technology evolution path. It is the fundamental platform for the fourth…
Hardware-based security solution
Turnkey security solution which provides robust security to the diverse applications in the Internet of Things,…
Enthusiasm for digital signage requires network investment
Video walls and eye-grabbing content are increasingly a feature of larger stores in shopping malls and metropolitan…
Wireless charging for automobiles
The industry has seen the escalating use of smartphones and other mobile devices transform network traffic from…
Large overseas TWT order for search and rescue radar
TMD Technologies has received a £2m overseas order for travelling wave tubes (TWTs) for an airborne search and…
Infrastructure boosts capacity for fiber-to-wireless networks
XKL LLC has announced a new Wi-Fi infrastructure solution based on its DQT10 transponder, providing a…
Connectivity framework for aquaculture IIoT platform selected
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity company, Real-Time Innovations (RTI), has announced that…
Grave cyberthreats to the utility infrastructure
The modernization of utility infrastructures is enabling increased efficiencies and reliability through…