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The latest news within electronics engineering, from industry happenings, popular products and research breakthroughs.
2D cursors are so last century! Researchers develop 3D computer cursors for 3D…
We're living in a 3D world, right? So why not get a computer cursor that's prepared for 3D interactions?…
NASA lets anyone drive around Mars with its new 3D viewing tool
It's been three years since Mars' Curiosity Rover touched down on the Red Planet offering scientists and interested…
How Your Car Can Actually Harvest Energy By Hitting Bumps In The Road
You know those nuisance bumps you try to avoid while driving? Now you may want to aim for them in order to recover…
First Of Its Kind Aqueous Solar Flow Battery Achieves 20% Energy Savings Over…
The solar air battery — a hybrid of solar panels and rechargeable batteries — is now reported to achieve a 20%…
NASA Is Working On Drones For Asteroid And Planet Exploration Via Air
NASA is always cooking up some new robots and rockets to take on planetary exploration. Now it wants to send drones…
Mouser Electronics Recognized by Raytheon for Outstanding Performance
Mouser Electronics has been honored by Raytheon for outstanding service, quality, and performance. Mouser was…
Harvard Researchers Develop Water-Striding Robots That Jump Off Water Surfaces
Walking on water sounds like a pretty cool ability to possess. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like humans will be…
Graphene folds and twists just like paper, indicates super-flexible tech future
Have you ever seen someone fold a piece of paper and make little cuts in it — like the way you would make paper…
KFC celebrates 60th anniversary with Bluetooth photo printing chicken buckets
To celebrate 60 years of Kentucky Fried Chicken in Canada, the company is giving away a few chicken buckets — not…
Researchers determine blood samples can be transported via hobby-sized drones
For those in developed and urban areas where hospitals can easily draw blood and send it to the lab for analysis…