Cylindrical Zero Gauss Chambers Design Considerations

Sponsored by Magnetic Shield Corp.

Engineers, Physicists, Scientists, and technical professionals that perform scientific testing and experimentation at R & D facilities have challenging requirements for an extremely low field space where advanced sensitive applications are completed.

Of all geometric shapes, a cylindrical configuration is one of the most effective for absorbing external magnetic flux lines, creating an efficient magnetically shielded finite space. Critical design factors for manufacturing and use of MuMETAL® Zero Gauss Chambers are explained here along with expert recommendations for most applications.

Magnetic Shield’s standard Zero Gauss Chambers have three layers of MuMETAL® and are designed to attenuate external fields 1,000 to 1,500 times. The nested chamber layers, wall thickness, interior size along with other key construction and operating conditions will factor into the shielding performance or attenuation of low field EMI. Custom configurations and sizes can be fabricated to meet your spec drawings as well.

To explore design considerations for custom Zero Gauss Chambers, download the paper below.

Inside you’ll find more information about:

  • external field strength
  • wall thickness
  • interior size
  • operating environment
  • and more.


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