New at Mouser: Tallysman TW5386 Smart GNSS UDR Antennas for Robotics and Autonomous Precision Timing Applications

August 19, 2024

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest electronic components and industrial automation products, is now shipping the new TW5386 Smart GNSS UDR antennas from Tallysman. The TW5386 are smart, multi-band (L1/L2), multi-constellation, integrated global navigation satellite system (GNSS) antennas with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and real-time kinematic positioning (RTK) for precise point positioning used in autonomous driving, smart agriculturerobotics, and multiple precision timing applications.

The Tallysman TW5386 Smart GNSS UDR antennas, available from Mouser, are capable of providing sub-1-meter accuracy stand-alone and sub-10-centimeter accuracy with RTK corrections to deliver precise positioning in the most demanding, dense “urban canyon” environments. Tallysman TW5386 antennas feature improved noise immunity with a multi-band ZED-F9R GNSS receiver from u-blox and feature high-reliability timing with an expansive constellation array, exceptional position performance without correction services, and improved multi-path rejection with an Accutenna® multi-band (L1/L2) dual-feed patch.

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2024 – Mouser Electronics, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an authorized semiconductor and electronic component distributor focused on New Product Introductions from its leading manufacturer partners. Serving the global electronic design engineer and buyer community, the global distributor’s website,, is available in multiple languages and currencies and features more than 6.8 million products from over 1,200 manufacturer brands. Mouser offers 28 support locations worldwide to provide best-in-class customer service in local language, currency and time zone. The distributor ships to over 650,000 customers in 223 countries/territories from its 1 million-square-foot, state-of-the-art distribution facilities in the Dallas, Texas, metro area. For more information, visit

About Tallysman

2024 – Tallysman is a developer, manufacturer, and provider of GNSS, Iridium antennas, and accessories in support of users who are engaged in various navigation, satellite-based positioning, and data applications. This company focuses on high-performance technology and solutions and is known for Accutenna® and VeraPhase® technology, as well as the VeroStar™ and Helical innovations.

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