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Is There Hope for a Time Machine?

There are challenges in physics. For example, when light interacts with matter, light seems to slow down. When incident light (light that falls on a subject) is on an interface, the standard wave equation is satisfied on both sides. Solving…

Einstein Was Right

According to fundamental physics, the properties of mass—weight, inertia, and gravitation—always remain the same relative to each other. If this is not true, Einstein's theory of relativity would be debunked. Now, however, quantum theory…

Electrons Dressed in Light

Optical manipulation of material properties could bring about new functions. For example, exciting electrons with strong light can lead to exotic quantum effects. The periodic perturbations from the strong light field cause electrons to…

Turning infrared into visible light

Every light wave is characterized by its frequency and the human eye can detect frequencies between 400 and 750 trillion Hz (or terahertz, THz), which define the visible spectrum. Cell phone camera light sensors detect frequencies down to…