There’s a New Prize for Innovative AI Applications

Okay, all you would-be AI gurus, here’s a challenge for you. There’s a new prize out there to recognize young researchers who apply AI techniques, such as machine learning, natural language processing, or computer vision, to help the life sciences research community solve important problems and accelerate their work.

The Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) just launched the Chen Institute and Science Prize for Al Accelerated Research. Submissions. The deadline for submissions is 13 December 2024.

You can find instructions on how to apply here.

Successful applicants must make a fundamental advance, which is not feasible without using an Al-associated technique.

Science is delighted to be partnering with the Chen Institute on a new annual prize to honor major research advances that leverage artificial intelligence,” said Yury V. Suleymanov, senior editor at Science. “We seek to recognize approaches that are unexpected – either in fields where AI hasn’t been used, or where its use represents a new way of tackling a problem.”

Early career scientists in fields related to artificial intelligence are encouraged to apply. Applicants will submit a 1,000-word essay detailing their most important research discoveries. The Grand Prize winner gets a cash prize of $30,000 USD. They will also receive a five-year AAAS membership and digital subscription to Science, and their winning essay will be published in , in print, and online. The prize-winning approach should represent an application of AI that opens opportunities for other researchers worldwide.

The Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute, created in 2016 by Tianqiao Chen and his wife Chrissy Luo, with a US $1 billion commitment to help advance brain science, will fund the prize, which they will award in 2025.

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