Today’s Tech Image: China reveals “Robot Goddess”

Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have revealed what appears to be one of the most realistic robots to date.

During its unveiling, the robot introduced herself to the crowd: “Hello everyone, I’m Jia Jia. Welcome!”

Jia Jia. (Image Credit: Xinhuanet)
Jia Jia. (Image Credit: Xinhuanet)

The female robot was designed with some pretty subservient and stereotypical characteristics as well. When responding to her creator, team director Chen Xiaoping, she referred to him as “Lord.” She even asked the press to step back while taking photos so that her face wouldn’t look too fat.

Jia Jia took the team about three years to develop and still needs some work. According to creators, she still is not capable of crying, laughing, or interacting deeply with people and they hope to further develop her to possess deep-learning capabilities.

According to Xinhaunet, Chen hopes “Jia Jia would become a wise robot goddess” after some more work.

So far there are no plans for mass production of the robot.


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