Video Of The Day: Watch This Drone Use LEDs To Create Shapes And Letters In The Sky

Drones are mesmerizing when they glide through the air, but they’re even more mesmerizing as they light up the sky as they soar.

PRENAV, a commercial drone company developing automated navigation systems wanted to celebrate the launch of its company, so it released this video to the world.

The teaser video displays the precision of the company’s navigation system by repeatedly positioning a drone with blinking on-board LEDs at specific times to make shapes and letters in the sky.

The company’s first message to the public:  “Hello World.”


PRENAV’s drone system can navigate close to cell towers and other vertical structures “in order to capture detailed imagery and build accurate 3D reconstructions,” according to the company. The company boasts that its capabilities are not possible with mere GPS and has only been demonstrated in research labs up until this point.

The system uses two robots: a guidance robot on the ground and an aerial robot in the sky to fly close to the structures. The land-based robot scans the environment in order to create a map and then shares that information with the drone  to keep it on course, regardless of environmental obstacles like wind. As the drone takes photos, they get sent to the cloud and are assembled in a 3D construction where the company uses algorithms to supply data to clients.

The system is operated with a  touchscreen interface and requires no manual piloting so outdoor workers such as climbers and technicians can use it.

For more information, visit PRENAV.

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